Hi there! Thanks for your interest. There are different ways you can get involved with this collective map making project. Have a look and choose the one that feels right for you, but please. do. get. involved!
If you’re into writing
Think of something that you want to share about your city. It can be as specific or as vague as you want. Please let us know about your minimap so we can support you and put it in our schedule. Chose 7 places and write a brief description of why are they worth it or amazing. Also attach their contact details (address, web, opening times, cost…) When it’s all ready write an introduction for your map. Put all togheter and send it to us: superminimaps@gmail.com
If you’re into drawing
You will have to bring to life someone’s mini travel experience and this implies: Drawing the actual map (we use a circle as base) Extracting some of the map icons to decorate the paper map’s back. We usually put everything together (text and images), so please save everything and just send us your .ai or .psd file(s).