Nina started traveling as a teenager, exploring Switzerland equipped with a Generalabonnement, the Swiss unlimited train travel card. Her first flight was an 18th-birthday gift and got her hooked to traveling further. One of her favorite destinations so far was India where you get to experience urban craziness and peaceful nature within reach.
Nina lived in Australia, France, Sweden and moved to Berlin in 2013, where she works as a Service Designer by day and designs clothes by night.
Where do you live? Berlin.
Where do you come from? Windisch, Switzerland. Hometown of the heart: Baden, Switzerland
Where do you (day)dream to go next?Apart from wandering through cities near and far I dream of visiting my friend’s house in Tessin, Switzerland.
What do you like most about traveling? It makes you concentrate on the most basic of tasks – where do you sleep? what do you eat? how do you get around? – and your senses are in a constant tickle.
A ritual or a thing that you cannot miss when you travel? Recording sounds, like the heat in India or the local music in a club. Sounds make the most intense memories.
Have a look at Nina’s Minimap: