Madrid is a city rich in history, and among its streets are hidden legends and mysteries that have endured through the centuries. From elegant palaces to modern museums, these seven “haunted” places connect us to …

small travel guides created collectively for and by travelers
Madrid is a city rich in history, and among its streets are hidden legends and mysteries that have endured through the centuries. From elegant palaces to modern museums, these seven “haunted” places connect us to …
Madrid es una ciudad repleta de historia, y entre sus calles se esconden leyendas y misterios que perduran a través de los siglos. Desde palacios elegantes hasta museos modernos, estos siete sitios “embrujados” nos conectan …
We enjoyed this article about Casa Camacho’s signature drink, the Yayo, a personal favorite sweet and strong cocktail that we actually featured in our Madrid Vermouth Minimap. “Our specialty was vermouth, but he wanted to …
La trashumancia, según la define la UNESCO, es el “desplazamiento estacional de rebaños por rutas migratorias del Mediterráneo y los Alpes”. En Europa es una modalidad de pastoreo consistente en el desplazamiento estacional de ganados por …
. Desde que llegué a Madrid la tradición de tomar un aperitivo alrededor del mediodía me ha fascinado… y rescatado, porque aquí en España se come muy tarde. En los últimos años además se ha …
. Un lindo paseo de 30 minutos si planeáis visitar El Pardo, justo antes de llegar al centro. Esta quinta es un ejemplo de las casas que los aristócratas de los siglos XVII y XVIII …
New releases, second-hand books to be recycled and re-read, rare and unique books, illustrated books, Latin American books, French books, poetry books, book related stuff, these nice bookshops have everything… and for different circumstances, right now, these are the bookshops of my life (Part I).
. Por alguna extraña razón en todo este tiempo nunca había subido a Navacerrada. Creo que en mi mente un sitio a 1200 m de altitud, en la ladera sur de la sierra de Guadarrama …
Yup. Spring is here. We kinda know that that implies global warming and the end of the world BUT as we make an effort to not make it worst we can enjoy when the prelude …
Superminimaps junto a Victoria Fernández estará participando en la exposición colectiva Mad Mad organizada por la Galería Mad is Mad de Chueca. Junto a nosotros expondrán los artistas, Ana Muñoz de Terry, Lorena Olmedo, Ana …
Whenever is possible I try to go and have a walk in El Retiro. It’s without a doubt one of the most magnificent parks in Madrid, and surely the most popular and whenever you’re …
If there’s one thing people from Madrid are really proud of is the city’s sky. That shade of blue is absolutely unforgettable, it’s deep and intense and shinny and it’s always there, even during winter time …
Four hundred years ago Miguel de Cervantes died leaving his very well known Character “Don Quixote” as a legacy for the future times. That very same year, 1616, Shakespeare passed away leaving a full compendium …
There are many positive things to highlight about Madrid, but two of the most important never come in travel guides: the sky and the people. In most of the recommendations in this guide you can …