Las celebraciones de San Isidro, patrón de Madrid, son un recordatorio de que ¡ya estamos casi en la mitad del año! Y de alguna manera dan comienzo al ambiente de fiesta, caluroso y musical que caracteriza …

small travel guides created collectively for and by travelers
Las celebraciones de San Isidro, patrón de Madrid, son un recordatorio de que ¡ya estamos casi en la mitad del año! Y de alguna manera dan comienzo al ambiente de fiesta, caluroso y musical que caracteriza …
Yes, thanks to the lovely interactive map that shows the historical meanings of each country’s name, as far back as their earliest literary translation (and that I saw in Matador Network) I’ve found out that …
À la Recherche du Shoe Perdu. Yes, there was a Warhol pre-pop and pre-Fabric and pre-super fame and that guy was an amazing illustrator with a great sense of graphic humour. Proof of that is …
Andrea is a Graphic Designer born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. Besides graphic design, her passions are singing and dancing, specifically urban styles. These passions, which she started soon in her life where enriched by …
[symple_column size=”one-third” position=”first” fade_in=”false”] Like a flâneur, strolling through the streets and squares of the historic center of São Paulo is a trip to the past. Despite the huge amount of people, vendors and workers passing by, …
Born in Venezuela where rum distilleries are the rule, our editor Arturo developed a curiosity for beer. “My trips started to become research trips for learning more about beer and trying as much as …
Born in Paris, Clara lives and works in São Paulo, where she graduated in Arts in FAAP. Works mainly with drawings. Her research is based on the relation between city and human beings. In …