Yes, thanks to the lovely interactive map that shows the historical meanings of each country’s name, as far back as their earliest literary translation (and that I saw in Matador Network) I’ve found out that I’m living in Spain (Iberia), the land of many rabbits… although I might have seen just a couple in the wild. I’ll pay more attention when in the countryside from now on 😉
In Europe I especially enjoy finding out that Poland is called “People of the fields”, Macedonia is “Land of tall people”, Luxembourg is “Little Castle”, and Hungary “10 Arrows”.

From South America that is where I come from I knew a bit more the origin of some countries names, like Venezuela, Colombia and Argentina, but still managed to surprised me. I had no idea that Perú was “Land of the River” or Uruguay was “River of Shellfish”. Again, no sign of abundant shellfish when I visited Uruguay… just chivitos.

This is how Africa looks like. Look for “Our Canoe”, the “River of Praws” and the poetic “Those Who Went Away”.

A bit of Asia and the Middle East. There’s a land “Protected by Fire” and another one that is the “Land of the Wanderers” and yet another one that claims to be specially “High and Beautiful”.

Here, you can have a look at the full interactive map and find out what’s the literal meaning of the name of the country you’re living in or you’re planning to go next!
I absolutely adored all the information and the stories that this lovely map entails. And, or course, the illustration is absolutely beautiful. I couldn’t find out who is it from. If you have a clue or if it belongs to you, please let me know!