This route and minimap were created in our Lab for SATA Azores Airlines. The adventure of a lifetime begins! The Azores are an extraordinary volcanic archipelago. A destination where history, culture and breathtaking nature come …

small travel guides created collectively for and by travelers
This route and minimap were created in our Lab for SATA Azores Airlines. The adventure of a lifetime begins! The Azores are an extraordinary volcanic archipelago. A destination where history, culture and breathtaking nature come …
Al sur de la preciosa localidad de Tarragona hay un ecosistema increíble que es parte de la reserva de la biósfera de las Tierras del Ebro y Parque Nacional desde agosto de 1983: el Delta …
. I am an artist who works primarily in marker and ink. Based in Minneapolis, my interests in travel, cultures, and history reflect my work. Check out my work through my Instagram or website! …
Elena Resko is an illustrator and coffee drinker based in Berlin. When not working on the client and personal projects, she is up to exploring the coffee shops in the search for the best cup …
Hello! I’m Inês and like most of you I started drawing since a very young age but I never stopped and in 2009 I ended up graduating in Stage Design in Lisbon. In 2011 I moved …
Superminimaps junto a Victoria Fernández estará participando en la exposición colectiva Mad Mad organizada por la Galería Mad is Mad de Chueca. Junto a nosotros expondrán los artistas, Ana Muñoz de Terry, Lorena Olmedo, Ana …
Yes, thanks to the lovely interactive map that shows the historical meanings of each country’s name, as far back as their earliest literary translation (and that I saw in Matador Network) I’ve found out that …
À la Recherche du Shoe Perdu. Yes, there was a Warhol pre-pop and pre-Fabric and pre-super fame and that guy was an amazing illustrator with a great sense of graphic humour. Proof of that is …
Hi, I’m an illustrator who lives and works in Hackney, London. Besides illustrating I’m a keen rock climber and spend most weekends in the Great Outdoors. I love climbing because it takes you to places …
Hello 2016! In this first post of the year we share the illustration of one of our illustrators and art directors of Minimaps: Victoria Fernández We also wanted to share a couple of interesting …
Japanese town in Düsseldorf? No way? Yes way! Now you may find this rather odd, but given the 8000 Japanese citizens living in this city and surrounding area, it all makes sense. On Immermannstraße is …
In Caracas, Juan Daniel spent several years working in advertising agencies as a copywriter. Then, four years ago, he moved to Barcelona eager to focus on really learning lllustration (he loves to draw since …
Berwick-upon-Tweed is a historic town that once was prized and fought over fiercely (it changed ownership between England and Scotland 13 times) and now seems to have settled into a retirement place that people don’t …
Berlin sometimes feels a bit like wonderland: a European capital where food and rent are still affordable and a bit of anarchy allows for differences to exist next to each other. Berlin thrives on its …
Here’s a guide to seven special swimming spots from the sparkly, sunny, city of Sydney. We are lucky to have sunshine in abundance in Sydney and our city sits on the eastern coast of Australia, …
After completing his education in Graphic design and Illustration, Ale has been working mainly as an Animator and Art Director for Television and Advertising. As you will see in his Minimap(s) his work as illustrator …
It is a hard task to make a minimap for such a big city as São Paulo! So, making a themed map was a way to summarize some of the wonderful things you can find …
London, as you well know, is massive. Therefore people tend to be very local. I wasn’t the exception. I spent two years living in East London and that’s the part of town I know and …