Showing: 1 - 11 of 11 RESULTS

Es tiempo de trashumancia en Madrid

La trashumancia, según la define la UNESCO, es el “desplazamiento estacional de rebaños por rutas migratorias del Mediterráneo y los Alpes”. En Europa es una modalidad de pastoreo consistente en el desplazamiento estacional de ganados por …

Librerías de mi vida: Madrid

New releases, second-hand books to be recycled and re-read, rare and unique books, illustrated books, Latin American books, French books, poetry books, book related stuff, these nice bookshops have everything… and for different circumstances, right now, these are the bookshops of my life (Part I).

It’s Rooftop Time: Madrid

If there’s one thing people from Madrid are really proud of is the city’s sky. That shade of blue is absolutely unforgettable, it’s deep and intense and shinny and it’s always there, even during winter time …

Bookstores With A Charm : Madrid

Four hundred years ago Miguel de Cervantes died leaving his very well known Character “Don Quixote” as a legacy for the future times. That very same year, 1616, Shakespeare passed away leaving a full compendium …