Showing: 31 - 60 of 61 RESULTS

Art Nouveau in Vienna

Vienna is well-known for its imperial history and famous composers. But among the celebrities that forged its past, two particularly stand out when it comes to Jugendstil, the German name of the artistic courant known …

Venice: Tasty Street Food

You’ll probably already know that travelling to Italy means a lot of fresh, mouth-watering food. When you book a trip to Venice, you mentally prepare to day-long marathons chewing-over pasta. I’ll stop you there : …

Paris is for Reading

It’s really hard to beat Amazon when it comes to buying in a “convenient” way… but not everything in life is about that kind of convenience and definitely these 7 Parisian bookstores demonstrate that part …

Secret Gardens: Rome

Rome, one of the most amazing cities in the world. It is all about history, but also its incredibly romantic, green, delicious, hedonistic, contradictory… and it’s full of cats. Apart from its huge parks like Villa Borghese, Villa …

A Magic Journey: Iceland

Iceland, land of ice and fire, is one of the most amazing and different places you can ever imagine. A magic place where nature reigns above all, where you can see glaciers and in a …

Treading Mindfully : Ubud

Bali needs no introduction, having been praised so often as an island of paradise, a revered destination for yoga, spas, surfing, creative arts and crafts, energy healing, and further made famous in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ …

Bookstores With A Charm : Madrid

Four hundred years ago Miguel de Cervantes died leaving his very well known Character “Don Quixote” as a legacy for the future times. That very same year, 1616, Shakespeare passed away leaving a full compendium …

Caracas: Landmarked Naturally

Caracas, capital city of Venezuela, is a vibrant metropolis located at the center of the Americas. Its metropolitan area is separated from the Caribbean Sea by a majestic mountain chain, El Ávila, which has represented the city …

Sampa Galleries: São Paulo

[symple_column size=”one-third” position=”first” fade_in=”false”] Like a flâneur, strolling through the streets and squares of the historic center of São Paulo is a trip to the past. Despite the huge amount of people, vendors and workers passing by, …

Craft Beer: Barcelona

Barcelona is well known for its Mediterranean heat during the summer, yes. But now it’s also known for it’s craft beer. So I created a route for extinguishing your craft beer thirst at some cool …

Folky, Colourful, Happy: Ciudad de México

[symple_column size=”one-third” position=”first” fade_in=”false”] Mexico Lindo y Querido! is a magic city with over 20million people, so possibilities are literally endless. Although is a massive and modern city the past and traditions are still fresh, …

Swimming Spots: Sydney

Here’s a guide to seven special swimming spots from the sparkly, sunny, city of Sydney. We are lucky to have sunshine in abundance in Sydney and our city sits on the eastern coast of Australia, …

All About Tea: Barcelona

If you think of Barcelona it is very likely that the first things that will come to your mind are vermouth, gin tonic, wine and tapas. Edited by Gaby Prieto and Illustrated by: Valentina Alvarado. …

Urban Hike: Zürich

I heard someone saying that Zurich is the centre of fresh air. It’s no coincidence that this map will take you from the highest points in Zurich, guide you alongside beautiful nature and bring you …