Bali needs no introduction, having been praised so often as an island of paradise, a revered destination for yoga, spas, surfing, creative arts and crafts, energy healing, and further made famous in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ …

small travel guides created collectively for and by travelers
Bali needs no introduction, having been praised so often as an island of paradise, a revered destination for yoga, spas, surfing, creative arts and crafts, energy healing, and further made famous in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ …
When I was looking for photographs for the Madrid Bookstores With A Charm minimap I couldn’t help to think of my good friend Susana who besides being an amazing yoga teacher, designer, baby …
Four hundred years ago Miguel de Cervantes died leaving his very well known Character “Don Quixote” as a legacy for the future times. That very same year, 1616, Shakespeare passed away leaving a full compendium …
Ramón aka @fotoneutrino. An engineer for longer than a photographer. Cosmopolitan and trainee screenwriter. A pinch of abstract and a pinch of concrete. In other shoes when the occasion calls for it. . Where do …
Hey bird! you want to visit South West Pembrokeshire? To make the best out of your visit you should follow the rule: ‘there is no bad weather, there is just bad clothing’. It also helps …
«Tout mon travail consiste à déplacer très légèrement quelque chose qui existe déjà. C’est à chacun de lire ce déplacement comme il l’entend. Il n’y a pas de vérité dans mon travail.» — Jean-Michel …
Caracas, capital city of Venezuela, is a vibrant metropolis located at the center of the Americas. Its metropolitan area is separated from the Caribbean Sea by a majestic mountain chain, El Ávila, which has represented the city …
Andrea is a Graphic Designer born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. Besides graphic design, her passions are singing and dancing, specifically urban styles. These passions, which she started soon in her life where enriched by …
Rodrigo was born and raised in Caracas, a city of great social and economic contrasts! Growing in Caracas made him believe his city was kept inside the walls of places, since ‘caraqueños’ tend develop life between various …
After having invested a lot of time trying to spot the best gastronomic offers in town, from the simplest dish to the most sophisticated ones, the classics, the snobbish and some interesting new fast-food proposals …
[su_vimeo url=”″ width=”980″][/su_vimeo] The Typical Spanish, a guide for guiris in trouble video from Fragmento Universo demonstrates that learning basic but very necessary Spanish expressions can be really easy and also beautiful (and sometimes very weird!). They are …
This last week Madrid was all about art because while the biggest Spanish art fair, ARCO was in town there were a lot of alternative proposals. JustMAD was one of them and this year it was …
We just found this really nice Next City’s article that shares the story of Johannes Hevelius (Polland, 1611), astronomy student and creator of the first scientifically accurate maps of the moon. To be able …
San Francisco’s urban landscape is packed with energizing visuals in the form of natural beauty and historic architectural charm. The city’s 49 square miles are eminently walkable and packed with sweeping hills, cozy nooks and …
Joanie lives in San Francisco and works in sales for a winery based in Santa Barbara. In her spare time she is a freelance printmaker, specializing in linocut block prints. Family trips throughout Europe …
Hello 2016! In this first post of the year we share the illustration of one of our illustrators and art directors of Minimaps: Victoria Fernández We also wanted to share a couple of interesting …
Julia is an Urban Planner and Architecture Designer graduated in São Paulo. Studied in Madrid, Spain for a year, time when she had the chance to travel a lot around Europe. Back to São Paulo, started …
Marcos is a Venezuelan graphic designer based in Spain for more than 12 years. His expertise is mainly in the fields of graphic design and web design, but he finds illustration and sound design as true …
Based in the Netherlands, Devina is a marketeer and spends her free time doing what she loves the most, which is eating and travelling! Luckily these two things go very well together. When travelling, not …
Japanese town in Düsseldorf? No way? Yes way! Now you may find this rather odd, but given the 8000 Japanese citizens living in this city and surrounding area, it all makes sense. On Immermannstraße is …
Born in Venezuela where rum distilleries are the rule, our editor Arturo developed a curiosity for beer. “My trips started to become research trips for learning more about beer and trying as much as …
In Caracas, Juan Daniel spent several years working in advertising agencies as a copywriter. Then, four years ago, he moved to Barcelona eager to focus on really learning lllustration (he loves to draw since …
One year ago I was in my favorite Balearic island: Menorca. I was lucky enough to have traveled with a bunch of girls that are truly experts, almost “menorquíes“, so I easily enjoyed without …
Berwick-upon-Tweed is a historic town that once was prized and fought over fiercely (it changed ownership between England and Scotland 13 times) and now seems to have settled into a retirement place that people don’t …
Cecilia is a Graphic Designer who lives in Caracas but seize every opportunity she has to escape and explore the world, searching for interesting places and simple things. She’s very tolerant when traveling but there’s …
Khin is in-transition, in-between cities, in-between life stages and in-between vocations. Like my travels, I’ve worked and experienced work and life-times in corporate, NGO and charity sectors and am now moving onto creative and …
Nina started traveling as a teenager, exploring Switzerland equipped with a Generalabonnement, the Swiss unlimited train travel card. Her first flight was an 18th-birthday gift and got her hooked to traveling further. One of her …
[symple_column size=”one-third” position=”first” fade_in=”false”] Mexico Lindo y Querido! is a magic city with over 20million people, so possibilities are literally endless. Although is a massive and modern city the past and traditions are still fresh, …
I visited Lake Como a couple of years ago when Minimaps didn’t exist as it is right now, it was just a blurry idea, that’s why I would love to have the opportunity of …
Photos via KinkBNB. What happens when you mix AirBNB’s business model with 50 Shades of Grey: KinkBNB. As they explain in their website “many sites offer to connect you to regular rooms, but …