Foto: Gaëlle Simon via her IG account. To start this lovely new year filled with inspiration I decided to start featuring in the blog my favorite Instagram accounts, those wonderful feeds I follow to …

small travel guides created collectively for and by travelers
If there’s one thing people from Madrid are really proud of is the city’s sky. That shade of blue is absolutely unforgettable, it’s deep and intense and shinny and it’s always there, even during winter time …
Vienna is well-known for its imperial history and famous composers. But among the celebrities that forged its past, two particularly stand out when it comes to Jugendstil, the German name of the artistic courant known …
You’ll probably already know that travelling to Italy means a lot of fresh, mouth-watering food. When you book a trip to Venice, you mentally prepare to day-long marathons chewing-over pasta. I’ll stop you there : …
Granada is definitely one of my favourite cities in Spain (it’s currently in the Top 3) as it’s almost perfect, and I say almost just because I’m a sucker for the ocean, my perfect city should …
It’s really hard to beat Amazon when it comes to buying in a “convenient” way… but not everything in life is about that kind of convenience and definitely these 7 Parisian bookstores demonstrate that part …
Let’s start by saying that all of Andalusia is amazing. I’ve just started discovering this part of Spain, the wonderful south, and I’m absolutely in love. One of the most iconic cities in Andalusia is …
Dalmatia Coast is an epic paradise surrounded by crystal clear water and wild vegetation. Many little towns are located along the coast, all great for day trips during a summer vacation. The main attraction in …
Maybe is because when we travel days and nights are very long and we need to be wide awake, and maybe is because one of Chicago’s best known icons is called “The Bean” but in …
It was about time to have a new London minimap, right? The first minimap that started all more than a year ago was East London Unconventional Musts, and it was the first minimap I made. This …
Rome, one of the most amazing cities in the world. It is all about history, but also its incredibly romantic, green, delicious, hedonistic, contradictory… and it’s full of cats. Apart from its huge parks like Villa Borghese, Villa …
Iceland, land of ice and fire, is one of the most amazing and different places you can ever imagine. A magic place where nature reigns above all, where you can see glaciers and in a …
Bali needs no introduction, having been praised so often as an island of paradise, a revered destination for yoga, spas, surfing, creative arts and crafts, energy healing, and further made famous in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ …
Four hundred years ago Miguel de Cervantes died leaving his very well known Character “Don Quixote” as a legacy for the future times. That very same year, 1616, Shakespeare passed away leaving a full compendium …
Hey bird! you want to visit South West Pembrokeshire? To make the best out of your visit you should follow the rule: ‘there is no bad weather, there is just bad clothing’. It also helps …
Caracas, capital city of Venezuela, is a vibrant metropolis located at the center of the Americas. Its metropolitan area is separated from the Caribbean Sea by a majestic mountain chain, El Ávila, which has represented the city …
After having invested a lot of time trying to spot the best gastronomic offers in town, from the simplest dish to the most sophisticated ones, the classics, the snobbish and some interesting new fast-food proposals …
San Francisco’s urban landscape is packed with energizing visuals in the form of natural beauty and historic architectural charm. The city’s 49 square miles are eminently walkable and packed with sweeping hills, cozy nooks and …
[symple_column size=”one-third” position=”first” fade_in=”false”] Like a flâneur, strolling through the streets and squares of the historic center of São Paulo is a trip to the past. Despite the huge amount of people, vendors and workers passing by, …
Japanese town in Düsseldorf? No way? Yes way! Now you may find this rather odd, but given the 8000 Japanese citizens living in this city and surrounding area, it all makes sense. On Immermannstraße is …
Barcelona is well known for its Mediterranean heat during the summer, yes. But now it’s also known for it’s craft beer. So I created a route for extinguishing your craft beer thirst at some cool …
Berwick-upon-Tweed is a historic town that once was prized and fought over fiercely (it changed ownership between England and Scotland 13 times) and now seems to have settled into a retirement place that people don’t …
Berlin sometimes feels a bit like wonderland: a European capital where food and rent are still affordable and a bit of anarchy allows for differences to exist next to each other. Berlin thrives on its …
[symple_column size=”one-third” position=”first” fade_in=”false”] Mexico Lindo y Querido! is a magic city with over 20million people, so possibilities are literally endless. Although is a massive and modern city the past and traditions are still fresh, …
Here’s a guide to seven special swimming spots from the sparkly, sunny, city of Sydney. We are lucky to have sunshine in abundance in Sydney and our city sits on the eastern coast of Australia, …
It is a hard task to make a minimap for such a big city as São Paulo! So, making a themed map was a way to summarize some of the wonderful things you can find …
If you think of Barcelona it is very likely that the first things that will come to your mind are vermouth, gin tonic, wine and tapas. Edited by Gaby Prieto and Illustrated by: Valentina Alvarado. …
I heard someone saying that Zurich is the centre of fresh air. It’s no coincidence that this map will take you from the highest points in Zurich, guide you alongside beautiful nature and bring you …
Brussels, the capital of Belgium and the heart of Europe (!) is very famous by its bad weather. There is no saying in that. It does rain a lot the enjoying a blue sky is …
Barcelona is like the family’s single-for-life aunt who has always been known to be a little nuts. She definitely thinks she’s way younger than she really is and overdose the gin and tonics. Despite of, …
In the 18éme quartier in Paris, there is an emblematic hill, la butte de Montmartre, surrounded by cute small streets and strangely exhausting but romantic stairs. Here is where Toulouse-Lautrec’s postcards and Monsieur Chat’s grinny …
There are many positive things to highlight about Madrid, but two of the most important never come in travel guides: the sky and the people. In most of the recommendations in this guide you can …
London, as you well know, is massive. Therefore people tend to be very local. I wasn’t the exception. I spent two years living in East London and that’s the part of town I know and …
Esta ruta y minimap fueron creados en nuestro Laboratorio para SATA Azores Airlines. ¡La aventura de tu vida está por comenzar! Las Azores son un archipiélago volcánico extraordinario. Un destino en el que historia, cultura …
This route and minimap were created in our Lab for SATA Azores Airlines. The adventure of a lifetime begins! The Azores are an extraordinary volcanic archipelago. A destination where history, culture and breathtaking nature come …
… Alrededor del mundo existen muchas tradiciones pintorescas para celebrar el año nuevo, desde comer ciertos alimentos, dar saltos altos, limpiar o no la casa, o incluso pasear las calles disfrazado de oso. Aunque algunas …
Madrid is a city rich in history, and among its streets are hidden legends and mysteries that have endured through the centuries. From elegant palaces to modern museums, these seven “haunted” places connect us to …
Madrid es una ciudad repleta de historia, y entre sus calles se esconden leyendas y misterios que perduran a través de los siglos. Desde palacios elegantes hasta museos modernos, estos siete sitios “embrujados” nos conectan …
For all food lovers looking for tasty and delicious vegan and vegetarian food, here is a list of the best places on the beautiful Tenerife Island.
Al sur de la preciosa localidad de Tarragona hay un ecosistema increíble que es parte de la reserva de la biósfera de las Tierras del Ebro y Parque Nacional desde agosto de 1983: el Delta …
Lanzarote es deslumbrante. Roza lo indescriptible porque más que una serie de paisajes es un compendio de sensaciones esperando a ser experimentadas. Asombro, conmoción, maravilla, arrebato, entusiasmo, ternura. Es una isla tan irreal que invita …
It is not easy for someone to understand how incredible San Sebastian is, and I know this because I myself did not know it, or rather, I felt it, until I saw it, walked it …
No es fácil que alguien entienda lo increíble que es San Sebastián, y lo sé porque yo misma no lo supe, o más bien, lo sentí, hasta que la vi, la caminé y la probé …
Planning to visit Yogyakarta in Indonesia? Don’t forget the local souvenirs! Yogyakarta, also known as Jogja, is one of the most beautiful regions in Indonesia that offers a myriad of experiences not to be missed. …
As a local, having grown up in Rotterdam, I’ve witnessed the city becoming increasingly international, and I absolutely love the abundance of café options available. However, the sheer number of choices can be overwhelming. That’s …
. Desde que llegué a Madrid la tradición de tomar un aperitivo alrededor del mediodía me ha fascinado… y rescatado, porque aquí en España se come muy tarde. En los últimos años además se ha …
Along the dutch coastline there is a galore of sandy beaches out of the beaten path. Restaurants, beach clubs, marine sports, or quiet and unspoiled locations among dunes are in the menu. Sunshine is not …
Parma is a small city in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, easily explored by foot. It is an excellent destination for its numerous musical events, masterpieces of art and gastronomic specialities. Even children can find some places to …
Faro es una pequeña ciudad costera en el sur de Portugal. Tiene todo lo que puedas desear para una perfecta escapada de fin de semana: fácil acceso en tren o en avión, deliciosa comida, excelentes …
Al norte de Francia en el Departamento Seine-Maritime y bañada por las aguas del Canal de la Mancha, Le Havre, es una ciudad muy interesante, ya que tiene mucha historia a cuestas, y muy apetecible …
Valletta, is a small capital with a great heritage. You can stroll around and easily discover its elegant buildings. And while you are taking a look around you will notice some things that are peculiar …
No mucha gente sabe que apenas a hora y media de Madrid hay un pequeño pueblo que se enorgullece -y cómo no- de albergar la mayor extensión de aromáticas de España. · Not many people …
Behind the blingy glam of the French Riviera, Nice hides a true local soul. The 5th largest city in France offers an unparalleled quality of life and a dynamic culinary scene. Ditch your travel guides, …
New releases, second-hand books to be recycled and re-read, rare and unique books, illustrated books, Latin American books, French books, poetry books, book related stuff, these nice bookshops have everything… and for different circumstances, right now, these are the bookshops of my life (Part I).
Basel has a huge variety of restaurants, cafés and bars with delicious international food in fancy locations. This map show some of my favourite places there.
Are you coming to Bali? You simply cannot miss Seminyak! Seminyak is a very popular location in Bali. Its lovely white sandy beach is just north of Kuta and Legian, and the surrounding area is …
. Budapest is a laid back city full of thermal baths, great food spots and casual bars. Take your time, relax and unwind. Edited and illustrated by Kimberly Carpenter. . Free to download, ready to …
… Around the world there are many quite picturesque traditions to celebrate the new year … although some traditions look strange or completely peculiar, the underlying desire is the same: conjuring good fortune, having prosperity, …
Leigh on Sea is a lovely little town in Essex England known for friendly people, innovative and creative retail and coastal walks. Here’s what our editor Karen Rose recommends to do for an eco-friendly couple of days. …
Napa Valley is a relaxing, community-focused and pleasure-seeking place where tourists and locals alike can find things to enjoy. Our map highlights the most beautiful estates and the must-see wine stops found in this beautiful …
There is nothing better than a good breakfast on a weekend morning. It always feels like a treat after a stressful week. Luckily, Berlin has plenty of delicious places to start a day with a great …
Lisbon is known as the city of the seven hills: A cidade das sete colinas. The Romans named Lisbon as Olissipo for its resemblance to the city of Rome which was also built over seven hills. …
One of the greatest things about Hanoi is its food, everybody knows that. But if you’re like me, someone adventurous with a not-so-adventurous stomach this is definitely the guide you need, to safely try a bit of …
If there’s one thing people from Madrid are really proud of is the city’s sky. That shade of blue is absolutely unforgettable, it’s deep and intense and shinny and it’s always there, even during winter time …
Vienna is well-known for its imperial history and famous composers. But among the celebrities that forged its past, two particularly stand out when it comes to Jugendstil, the German name of the artistic courant known …
You’ll probably already know that travelling to Italy means a lot of fresh, mouth-watering food. When you book a trip to Venice, you mentally prepare to day-long marathons chewing-over pasta. I’ll stop you there : …
Granada is definitely one of my favourite cities in Spain (it’s currently in the Top 3) as it’s almost perfect, and I say almost just because I’m a sucker for the ocean, my perfect city should …
It’s really hard to beat Amazon when it comes to buying in a “convenient” way… but not everything in life is about that kind of convenience and definitely these 7 Parisian bookstores demonstrate that part …
Let’s start by saying that all of Andalusia is amazing. I’ve just started discovering this part of Spain, the wonderful south, and I’m absolutely in love. One of the most iconic cities in Andalusia is …
Dalmatia Coast is an epic paradise surrounded by crystal clear water and wild vegetation. Many little towns are located along the coast, all great for day trips during a summer vacation. The main attraction in …
Maybe is because when we travel days and nights are very long and we need to be wide awake, and maybe is because one of Chicago’s best known icons is called “The Bean” but in …
It was about time to have a new London minimap, right? The first minimap that started all more than a year ago was East London Unconventional Musts, and it was the first minimap I made. This …
Rome, one of the most amazing cities in the world. It is all about history, but also its incredibly romantic, green, delicious, hedonistic, contradictory… and it’s full of cats. Apart from its huge parks like Villa Borghese, Villa …
Iceland, land of ice and fire, is one of the most amazing and different places you can ever imagine. A magic place where nature reigns above all, where you can see glaciers and in a …
Bali needs no introduction, having been praised so often as an island of paradise, a revered destination for yoga, spas, surfing, creative arts and crafts, energy healing, and further made famous in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ …
Four hundred years ago Miguel de Cervantes died leaving his very well known Character “Don Quixote” as a legacy for the future times. That very same year, 1616, Shakespeare passed away leaving a full compendium …
Hey bird! you want to visit South West Pembrokeshire? To make the best out of your visit you should follow the rule: ‘there is no bad weather, there is just bad clothing’. It also helps …
Caracas, capital city of Venezuela, is a vibrant metropolis located at the center of the Americas. Its metropolitan area is separated from the Caribbean Sea by a majestic mountain chain, El Ávila, which has represented the city …
After having invested a lot of time trying to spot the best gastronomic offers in town, from the simplest dish to the most sophisticated ones, the classics, the snobbish and some interesting new fast-food proposals …
San Francisco’s urban landscape is packed with energizing visuals in the form of natural beauty and historic architectural charm. The city’s 49 square miles are eminently walkable and packed with sweeping hills, cozy nooks and …
[symple_column size=”one-third” position=”first” fade_in=”false”] Like a flâneur, strolling through the streets and squares of the historic center of São Paulo is a trip to the past. Despite the huge amount of people, vendors and workers passing by, …
Japanese town in Düsseldorf? No way? Yes way! Now you may find this rather odd, but given the 8000 Japanese citizens living in this city and surrounding area, it all makes sense. On Immermannstraße is …
Barcelona is well known for its Mediterranean heat during the summer, yes. But now it’s also known for it’s craft beer. So I created a route for extinguishing your craft beer thirst at some cool …
Berwick-upon-Tweed is a historic town that once was prized and fought over fiercely (it changed ownership between England and Scotland 13 times) and now seems to have settled into a retirement place that people don’t …
Berlin sometimes feels a bit like wonderland: a European capital where food and rent are still affordable and a bit of anarchy allows for differences to exist next to each other. Berlin thrives on its …
[symple_column size=”one-third” position=”first” fade_in=”false”] Mexico Lindo y Querido! is a magic city with over 20million people, so possibilities are literally endless. Although is a massive and modern city the past and traditions are still fresh, …
Here’s a guide to seven special swimming spots from the sparkly, sunny, city of Sydney. We are lucky to have sunshine in abundance in Sydney and our city sits on the eastern coast of Australia, …
It is a hard task to make a minimap for such a big city as São Paulo! So, making a themed map was a way to summarize some of the wonderful things you can find …
If you think of Barcelona it is very likely that the first things that will come to your mind are vermouth, gin tonic, wine and tapas. Edited by Gaby Prieto and Illustrated by: Valentina Alvarado. …
I heard someone saying that Zurich is the centre of fresh air. It’s no coincidence that this map will take you from the highest points in Zurich, guide you alongside beautiful nature and bring you …
Brussels, the capital of Belgium and the heart of Europe (!) is very famous by its bad weather. There is no saying in that. It does rain a lot the enjoying a blue sky is …
Barcelona is like the family’s single-for-life aunt who has always been known to be a little nuts. She definitely thinks she’s way younger than she really is and overdose the gin and tonics. Despite of, …
In the 18éme quartier in Paris, there is an emblematic hill, la butte de Montmartre, surrounded by cute small streets and strangely exhausting but romantic stairs. Here is where Toulouse-Lautrec’s postcards and Monsieur Chat’s grinny …
There are many positive things to highlight about Madrid, but two of the most important never come in travel guides: the sky and the people. In most of the recommendations in this guide you can …
London, as you well know, is massive. Therefore people tend to be very local. I wasn’t the exception. I spent two years living in East London and that’s the part of town I know and …
Esta ruta y minimap fueron creados en nuestro Laboratorio para SATA Azores Airlines. ¡La aventura de tu vida está por comenzar! Las Azores son un archipiélago volcánico extraordinario. Un destino en el que historia, cultura …
This route and minimap were created in our Lab for SATA Azores Airlines. The adventure of a lifetime begins! The Azores are an extraordinary volcanic archipelago. A destination where history, culture and breathtaking nature come …
… Alrededor del mundo existen muchas tradiciones pintorescas para celebrar el año nuevo, desde comer ciertos alimentos, dar saltos altos, limpiar o no la casa, o incluso pasear las calles disfrazado de oso. Aunque algunas …
Madrid is a city rich in history, and among its streets are hidden legends and mysteries that have endured through the centuries. From elegant palaces to modern museums, these seven “haunted” places connect us to …
Madrid es una ciudad repleta de historia, y entre sus calles se esconden leyendas y misterios que perduran a través de los siglos. Desde palacios elegantes hasta museos modernos, estos siete sitios “embrujados” nos conectan …
For all food lovers looking for tasty and delicious vegan and vegetarian food, here is a list of the best places on the beautiful Tenerife Island.
Al sur de la preciosa localidad de Tarragona hay un ecosistema increíble que es parte de la reserva de la biósfera de las Tierras del Ebro y Parque Nacional desde agosto de 1983: el Delta …
Lanzarote es deslumbrante. Roza lo indescriptible porque más que una serie de paisajes es un compendio de sensaciones esperando a ser experimentadas. Asombro, conmoción, maravilla, arrebato, entusiasmo, ternura. Es una isla tan irreal que invita …
It is not easy for someone to understand how incredible San Sebastian is, and I know this because I myself did not know it, or rather, I felt it, until I saw it, walked it …
No es fácil que alguien entienda lo increíble que es San Sebastián, y lo sé porque yo misma no lo supe, o más bien, lo sentí, hasta que la vi, la caminé y la probé …
Planning to visit Yogyakarta in Indonesia? Don’t forget the local souvenirs! Yogyakarta, also known as Jogja, is one of the most beautiful regions in Indonesia that offers a myriad of experiences not to be missed. …
As a local, having grown up in Rotterdam, I’ve witnessed the city becoming increasingly international, and I absolutely love the abundance of café options available. However, the sheer number of choices can be overwhelming. That’s …
. Desde que llegué a Madrid la tradición de tomar un aperitivo alrededor del mediodía me ha fascinado… y rescatado, porque aquí en España se come muy tarde. En los últimos años además se ha …
Along the dutch coastline there is a galore of sandy beaches out of the beaten path. Restaurants, beach clubs, marine sports, or quiet and unspoiled locations among dunes are in the menu. Sunshine is not …
Parma is a small city in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, easily explored by foot. It is an excellent destination for its numerous musical events, masterpieces of art and gastronomic specialities. Even children can find some places to …
Faro es una pequeña ciudad costera en el sur de Portugal. Tiene todo lo que puedas desear para una perfecta escapada de fin de semana: fácil acceso en tren o en avión, deliciosa comida, excelentes …
Al norte de Francia en el Departamento Seine-Maritime y bañada por las aguas del Canal de la Mancha, Le Havre, es una ciudad muy interesante, ya que tiene mucha historia a cuestas, y muy apetecible …
Valletta, is a small capital with a great heritage. You can stroll around and easily discover its elegant buildings. And while you are taking a look around you will notice some things that are peculiar …
No mucha gente sabe que apenas a hora y media de Madrid hay un pequeño pueblo que se enorgullece -y cómo no- de albergar la mayor extensión de aromáticas de España. · Not many people …
Behind the blingy glam of the French Riviera, Nice hides a true local soul. The 5th largest city in France offers an unparalleled quality of life and a dynamic culinary scene. Ditch your travel guides, …
New releases, second-hand books to be recycled and re-read, rare and unique books, illustrated books, Latin American books, French books, poetry books, book related stuff, these nice bookshops have everything… and for different circumstances, right now, these are the bookshops of my life (Part I).
Basel has a huge variety of restaurants, cafés and bars with delicious international food in fancy locations. This map show some of my favourite places there.
Are you coming to Bali? You simply cannot miss Seminyak! Seminyak is a very popular location in Bali. Its lovely white sandy beach is just north of Kuta and Legian, and the surrounding area is …
. Budapest is a laid back city full of thermal baths, great food spots and casual bars. Take your time, relax and unwind. Edited and illustrated by Kimberly Carpenter. . Free to download, ready to …
… Around the world there are many quite picturesque traditions to celebrate the new year … although some traditions look strange or completely peculiar, the underlying desire is the same: conjuring good fortune, having prosperity, …
Leigh on Sea is a lovely little town in Essex England known for friendly people, innovative and creative retail and coastal walks. Here’s what our editor Karen Rose recommends to do for an eco-friendly couple of days. …
Napa Valley is a relaxing, community-focused and pleasure-seeking place where tourists and locals alike can find things to enjoy. Our map highlights the most beautiful estates and the must-see wine stops found in this beautiful …
There is nothing better than a good breakfast on a weekend morning. It always feels like a treat after a stressful week. Luckily, Berlin has plenty of delicious places to start a day with a great …
Lisbon is known as the city of the seven hills: A cidade das sete colinas. The Romans named Lisbon as Olissipo for its resemblance to the city of Rome which was also built over seven hills. …
One of the greatest things about Hanoi is its food, everybody knows that. But if you’re like me, someone adventurous with a not-so-adventurous stomach this is definitely the guide you need, to safely try a bit of …
If there’s one thing people from Madrid are really proud of is the city’s sky. That shade of blue is absolutely unforgettable, it’s deep and intense and shinny and it’s always there, even during winter time …
Foto: Gaëlle Simon via her IG account. To start this lovely new year filled with inspiration I decided to start featuring in the blog my favorite Instagram accounts, those wonderful feeds I follow to …
Amazing, huh? If you’re visiting in Madrid and you want to explore beyond the limits of the city, there are plenty of cities around, lots of them old walled cities that makes you travel in time …
Granada is definitely one of my favourite cities in Spain (it’s currently in the Top 3) as it’s almost perfect, and I say almost just because I’m a sucker for the ocean, my perfect city should …
À la Recherche du Shoe Perdu. Yes, there was a Warhol pre-pop and pre-Fabric and pre-super fame and that guy was an amazing illustrator with a great sense of graphic humour. Proof of that is …
Charlotte is a French illustrator based in London, UK and she loves everything cute, especially cats and rabbits. “I love travelling and map design has always been something I wanted to do since I am keeping …
It’s really hard to beat Amazon when it comes to buying in a “convenient” way… but not everything in life is about that kind of convenience and definitely these 7 Parisian bookstores demonstrate that part …
Dear all, as you well know yesterday a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Mexico killing at least 217 (death toll is expected to rise) and leaving many victims behind (between homeless, stranded, injured and or lost). If …
Let’s start by saying that all of Andalusia is amazing. I’ve just started discovering this part of Spain, the wonderful south, and I’m absolutely in love. One of the most iconic cities in Andalusia is …
Every summer Madrid celebrates a great deal of street summer parties, being the Fiesta de la Virgen de La Paloma the biggest and the most famous. It has all the ingredients of every great …
The amazing view from a friend’s appartment at the Quai André Citroën. Hello all! I’ve just come from spending a wonderful week in a summery Paris, sans canicule but with very dramatic cloudy skies …
Dalmatia Coast is an epic paradise surrounded by crystal clear water and wild vegetation. Many little towns are located along the coast, all great for day trips during a summer vacation. The main attraction in …
As we were working on a commissioned map (yes, we do that) for the Spanish newspaper The Objective (soon to become a proper minimap as the editor of this map is adding two more places …
Maybe is because when we travel days and nights are very long and we need to be wide awake, and maybe is because one of Chicago’s best known icons is called “The Bean” but in …
In our Unconventional Musts Madrid minimap one of the featured spots is the Parque del Oeste. Carola, editor of the minimap says about it: “This lovely park is usually overlooked by people who often choose …
Graphic design has given her an understanding of composition, color use, and aesthetics. It has pushed her to explore the various avenues for personal expression and communication, leading her to print, motion, photography, designing pieces …
Gustavo is an advertising creative that for over 18 years has been surrounded by ideas, hobbies and a lot of coffee. He likes design, photography, traveling, food, food, food, and as good creative his favourite …
This is the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (City of Arts of Sciences) of Valencia, probably the most touristic attraction in the city designed by the -infamous- Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava (who has …
It is really hard to put into words the wonder that is La Alhambra, this amazing palace, fortress, garden, dream that was built in AD 889 on the remains of Roman fortifications -Wikipedia dixit- …
A couple of days ago we traveled to Granada, one of the most amazing cities I’ve been. Full of contrasts, very friendly people, delicious and abundant food and amazing views of the Sierra Nevada, that …
It was about time to have a new London minimap, right? The first minimap that started all more than a year ago was East London Unconventional Musts, and it was the first minimap I made. This …
Before the world had been fully explored, cartographers often made educated but incorrect guesses like portraying California as an island, the existence of a continent as big as Africa called “Java La Grande”, or the …
So, it turns out that reading books is tied to a longer life, according to a new report. That’s what we read this week in The New York Times. Here’s an excerpt of the article: …
Rome, one of the most amazing cities in the world. It is all about history, but also its incredibly romantic, green, delicious, hedonistic, contradictory… and it’s full of cats. Apart from its huge parks like Villa Borghese, Villa …
Hi, I’m an illustrator who lives and works in Hackney, London. Besides illustrating I’m a keen rock climber and spend most weekends in the Great Outdoors. I love climbing because it takes you to places …
French and Parisian, working in culture and fundraising fields, I dived into the Grande Bellezza of Roma, 3 years ago. Leaving the Palais Garnier/Opéra national de Paris (where I worked for a long time) for the …
Iceland, land of ice and fire, is one of the most amazing and different places you can ever imagine. A magic place where nature reigns above all, where you can see glaciers and in a …
The name Renata comes from Italian and it means “reborn” But everybody knows me as Rena. I’m an illustrator, designer and world explorer based near Barcelona, between the city and the mountains. During childhood, I was …
Bali needs no introduction, having been praised so often as an island of paradise, a revered destination for yoga, spas, surfing, creative arts and crafts, energy healing, and further made famous in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ …
When I was looking for photographs for the Madrid Bookstores With A Charm minimap I couldn’t help to think of my good friend Susana who besides being an amazing yoga teacher, designer, baby …
Four hundred years ago Miguel de Cervantes died leaving his very well known Character “Don Quixote” as a legacy for the future times. That very same year, 1616, Shakespeare passed away leaving a full compendium …