San Sebastián, irresistible

“San Sebastián se lleva la palma como la mejor ciudad de Europa para visitar. Es una zona conocida por su ambiente relajado, sus extensas playas de color miel y sus numerosos restaurantes con chefs de fama mundial”

Faro: For A Weekend

Faro es una pequeña ciudad costera en el sur de Portugal. Tiene todo lo que puedas desear para una perfecta escapada de fin de semana: fácil acceso en tren o en avión, deliciosa comida, excelentes …

Le Havre: Summertime

Al norte de Francia en el Departamento Seine-Maritime y bañada por las aguas del Canal de la Mancha, Le Havre, es una ciudad muy interesante, ya que tiene mucha historia a cuestas, y muy apetecible …

carteles santiago de compostela

Los letreros de Santiago de Compostela

[ENGLISH BELOW] Muy fan de los carteles de tiendas y restaurants de Santiago de Compostela 🙌🏼🤍🐅🐙🪞🍻✨ Hace poco estuvimos minimappeando esta ciudad y los letreros, rótulos, carteles del centro de la ciudad me llamaron muchísimo …


I’m Eva, a graphic designer and illustrator. I studied illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata (Italy) and currently I’m working in a printing house and also as freelancer, I help people to …

À table with the Niçois: Nice

Behind the blingy glam of the French Riviera, Nice hides a true local soul. The 5th largest city in France offers an unparalleled quality of life and a dynamic culinary scene. Ditch your travel guides, …


Originally from Nice, I’ve lived in Paris, Melbourne, Milan and New York before moving to London five years ago. After starting my career in the tourism sector, I’ve decided to focus on my passion for …

Librerías de mi vida: Madrid

New releases, second-hand books to be recycled and re-read, rare and unique books, illustrated books, Latin American books, French books, poetry books, book related stuff, these nice bookshops have everything… and for different circumstances, right now, these are the bookshops of my life (Part I).

Filomena, en fotos

Filomena, la borrasca que generó la nevada más grande en por lo menos 50 años en Madrid, en dos días de fotografías: sábado y domingo. Como dice la canción: yesterday was dramatic, today is okay. …

Hey Xàbia, I’ve just met you…

Cala Granadella, can it be more beautiful? Short answer: nope. . …and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so call me maybe? Yes, that’s the feeling that you get after spending just a couple …


. I am a freelance illustrator and designer based in Germany. I am passionate about traveling and food. When I am not working on client and personal projects, I like to cook new delicious recipes …

Basel for foodies

Basel has a huge variety of restaurants, cafés and bars with delicious international food in fancy locations. This map show some of my favourite places there.


. Hello, I’m Devina. I’m a visual designer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. My busy life (and my work) makes traveling difficult for me… but that doesn’t stop me! I usually navigate maps to visit places …

Unwind in Budapest

. Budapest is a laid back city full of thermal baths, great food spots and casual bars. Take your time, relax and unwind. Edited and illustrated by Kimberly Carpenter. . Free to download, ready to …


At the foot of the Sierra de Guadarrama, on the shore of the Santillana reservoir and surrounded by the Regional Park of the Upper Basin of the Manzanares River (part of the Biosphere Reserve), lies …


. Kimberly is a freelance illustrator and designer based in the UK. Her work is quirky, playful and often joyfully brightly coloured. When she isn’t working on client work or personal projects you can usually …